Factores de riesgo psicosocial, conflicto organizacional y satisfacción laboral: Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales.
Objective: To test an interdependence model about the effect that psychosocial risk factors generate over organizational conflict and job satisfaction in Health professionals. Method: A cross-sectional design was implemented with a sample of 249 workers of a public hospital. Psychosocial risk was assessed with F-PSICO method; the latent variable organizational conflict was built using a set of indicators that had been developed from a specific survey made by a multidisciplinary team of health professionals with training in labor mediation; and the latent variable job satisfaction was operationalized with four subdimensions of “Font Roja” questionnaire. The fit of the model was estimated with SEM techniques. Results: Results confirm the adequate fit of the model that posits that the greater the psychosocial risk, the greater is the organizational conflict, and lower the perceived job satisfaction. The model also locates the organizational conflict as mediator variable between the risk and job satisfaction. Conclusions: The unique contribution of this study brings empirical evidence about the predictor role of psychosocial risks over both the organizational conflict and job satisfaction at the workplace in Health professionals. Therefore, psychosocial risk prevention can be an efficient way to reduce conflict levels and to increase job satisfaction.
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