On Ventura García Calderón’s Approach to Pierre Loti’s Use of the Voyage Theme as a Leitmotif


  • Benoit Filhol
Keywords: García Calderón, pastiche, Loti, travel, exoticism


The connection between Ventura García Calderón (1886-1959) and the French writer Pierre Loti (1850-1923) is not too obvious at first glance. The link between both authors is Si Loti était venu published in Le Mercure de France on December 15, 1925. As its title suggests, this story is a tribute to Pierre Loti. The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative study around different thematic axes between the work by Ventura García Calderón and Aziyadé, the inaugural text in Pierre Loti’s main thematic strand and a primary source for the aforementioned Peruvian novelist. In this way, our purpose is to fill an existing gap due to the authors’ lack of previous research into these connections.


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How to Cite
Filhol, B. (2017). On Ventura García Calderón’s Approach to Pierre Loti’s Use of the Voyage Theme as a Leitmotif. Anales de Filología Francesa, 24, 27–43. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/282761