Attenuatives and parametric verbs of ‘price’ in Old French literary corpora
As part of the *** project, we have undertaken a systematic description of the intensive collocations of Old French. Next to the intensives, we have the attenuatives (or anti-intensives) and, among these, a whole series of expressions which, together with a parametric verb of ‘price’, express a very small value, e.g. ne pas valoir un fétu. In this article, we list these expressive reinforcements of negation present in electronic literary corpora. These nouns are, from the syntactical point of view, the direct object of the parametric verb which governs them. On the other hand, from the semantic point of view, they do not correspond to the second semantic actant of the verb, but to a modifier of it expressing a very small value. Moreover, these nouns are phraseologically linked to the verb by a collocational relationship. We propose a modeling using the formalism of lexical functions developed within the framework of Explanatory and Combinatorial Lexicology.
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