La literatura francófona y el Salón del Libro de París, visibilidad y obstáculos


Keywords: Francophonie, International Book Fair, dominated literatures, dominant literatures


‘The international literary environment is organised according to the opposition between, at the autonomous pole, the literary fields most endowed with capital and, on the other, the most deprived or developing national fields’ (Casanova 2002: 8). International Book Fairs reproduce, albeit imperfectly, the cultural, political and economic hierarchies of the international literary environment (Heilbron and Sapiro, 2002: 4) and the position of each national environment in the world structure.

From a sociological approach to literature, we take African francophone literature as a point of reference in the programming of three editions of the Paris Book Fair to better understand the stakes involved in the circulation of books between these francophone kinds of literature and the French literature of the Hexagon, as well as the position of the agents who participate in the process of the enshrinement of imported works.


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How to Cite
Fernández Rodríguez, Áurea. (2022). La literatura francófona y el Salón del Libro de París, visibilidad y obstáculos. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30.