The debate on the feminization of language and its coverage in the French media: an analysis of inclusive French in Le Figaro's Chroniques de langage


  • Aurélie Fontanille UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA
Keywords: columna sobre la lengua, Chroniques de langage, redes sociales, francés inclusivo, français inclusif, sexismo lingüístico


This work focuses on the debate related to the feminisation of language and, more particularly, to the inclusive French generated by the views expressed by specialists in the Le Figaro newspaper at the Chronique de langage (CDL) L’actu des mots. Its main aim consists of: (1) present, contextualise and justify the treatment of this social and linguistic phenomenon in a particular journalistic gender such as the columns on language (CSL) published in the digital edition of that newspaper; and (2) assess the feed-back that this type of multi-directional communication produces on the basis of the analysis of the comments issued both internally on the CSL and on social media, more specifically on Twitter. We are interested in investigating, on the one hand, this topical linguistic issue which links the notion of gender with the position of women in a changing patriarchal society and, on the other hand, the nature of these language-centred media spaces, in order to assess their normative power and ideological transmission, reinforced by the web’s own tools.


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How to Cite
Fontanille, A. (2021). The debate on the feminization of language and its coverage in the French media: an analysis of inclusive French in Le Figaro’s Chroniques de langage. Anales de Filología Francesa, (29), 224–247.