TradAction, a Service-learning project managed by Padlet


  • Ainhoa Cusácovich Torres Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: ICT, collaborative, Learning-Service, Padlet, Hybrid learning

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Valladolid


The current situation of the globalized society makes us consider new educational paradigms, a necessary innovation in the processes, instruments and objectives of education.  That latter point is the basis of the theories on Learning-Service, the “what for” approach, finding an answer in initiatives that improve the social environment close to the student. The application of curricular knowledge to solve social problems is a great motivation for students, teachers and partners of the TradAction project of solidarity translation. It combines, as we will analyse in this article, all the characteristics of hybrid learning: asynchronous and synchronous, formal and informal, individual and collaborative, theoretical and practical. Padlet is proposed, due to its exchange possibilities, as a management tool for this project based on cooperation.


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How to Cite
Cusácovich Torres, A. (2021). TradAction, a Service-learning project managed by Padlet. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 121–137.