The I lyric at Leopold Sedar Senghor


  • Rostand Sylvanius Bobo Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny Abidjan
Keywords: Lyricism, I lyric/poetic ethos, Ode, Negritude

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Lyricism is a form of expression that extends its empire to all arts. In literature, it was brought to its pinnacle by the romanticism that made it its line of strength. He has known a variety of fortunes since then. Assumed by some, vilified by others, it remains today still at the heart of the concerns of many critics. Our study proposes to study the lyric I in a poem by Leopold Sédar Senghor: the Kaya Magan, extracted from his collection Ethiopiques. It is a humble contribution to the many works devoted to this major figure of the Negro-African literature, mainly to those who have as a major axis the lyrical dimension. The proof once again that lyricism and commitment can be good housekeeping. It is a linguistic approach to self-writing that incorporates references to the socio-historical context.


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Références bibliographiques

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How to Cite
Bobo, R. S. (2019). The I lyric at Leopold Sedar Senghor. Anales de Filología Francesa, 27(1), 23–34.