The spanish comic book production
evolution and trends
Supporting Agencies
- Comics; illustrated books; books; ISBN; Spanish production
We analyze the production of comics and illustrated books in Spain and collected by the ISBN database during the period between 2021 and 2023. Material and methods. The books classified in the database consulted in the subject ‘Comics and illustrated books’ during the last three years were analyzed and reviewed. The number of books published during this period is 1,486. For each book originally published in Spain, the following fields were considered: author, translator, illustrator, year of publication, language, place of publication and publishing institution. the places that published the most books during the period studied were Barcelona (29.69%) and Madrid (16.56%). Commercial publishers were the ones that published the most publications (82.19%). A 26.99% of the works were originally written in Spanish, while 73.01% were translated from other languages. The results confirm the trend observed in other studies and indicate a growth in the number of comic books published in Spain and an increase in their use as a complementary tool for the dissemination and teaching, both at school and university, of various scientific disciplines.
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