
  • Antonio Muñoz Cañavate Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación y la Comunicación. Universidad de Extremadura
  • Alejandro Cordero-González Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación y la Comunicación. Universidad de Extremadura
  • María José Tena-Mateos Servicio de Apoyo a la Iniciativa Emprendedora. Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: Distribution lists, Listserv, email, knowledge management, Spain, RedIRIS


This paper presents the results of a study aimed at learning the opinions of the administrators of email distribution lists managed by RedIRIS.  The study had three objectives: to determine each administrator's level of satisfaction with the different electronic media they themselves use to get information for their daily work, especially with distribution lists; to determine how their lists have evolved in regard to the number of messages and subscribers; and to determine their level of agreement or disagreement with distribution lists being a means of knowledge sharing and a channel for learning.  The surveyed administrators value the lists as the best application for sharing and disseminating information among professionals and academics.  Although not all lists enjoy the same strength, they are still being used.  And they serve as a tool for knowledge management, and are useful for training and learning.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Cañavate, A., Cordero-González, A., & Tena-Mateos, M. J. (2020). THE REDIRIS EMAIL DISTRIBUTION LISTS: A STUDY AS A TOOL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC COMMUNITY. Information Science Journal, 23(2).

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