An analysis of college-origin documents in the "Papeles varios" collection of Salamanca University Archive


  • Agustín Vivas Moreno
Keywords: Colleges documentary collections, university archives, University of Salamanca.

Supporting Agencies

  • Salamanca y las Universidades Hispánicas (siglos XV-XIX)
  • España
  • Portugal
  • Italia y Mexico. Horizonte 2018. Referencia
  • HAR2009-06937. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
  • Dirección General de Investigación y Gestión del Plan Nacional I D i de Madrid


The main aim of this article is the analysis of the documentation of colle origin located on the “Papeles Varios” Collection of Salamanca's University Archive. This documentary collection has a great importance due to its quite interesting unpublished materials and it deserves being consulted for historical studies on 16th to 18th centuries. After analysing the several documentary origins, the origin of College documentation is studied thoroughly. So its installation units are examined and a chronological and idiomatic analysis of those documents is built. We conclude with a diagnosis about the contents and the importance of these documents for historic research. In short, through this research we will update the sources for studying the College in documentary and bibliographic university batches and in the context of the hispanic monarchy of 16th to 17th centuries. This whole research is registered on a wider project about identification and description of batches in university archives.


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Author Biography

Agustín Vivas Moreno

Profesr Titular de Universidad. Departamenteo de Informacióny Documentación. Universidad de Extremadura.
How to Cite
Vivas Moreno, A. (2011). An analysis of college-origin documents in the "Papeles varios" collection of Salamanca University Archive. Information Science Journal, 14(2). Retrieved from