
Keywords: Hospitality and Tourism; Tourism Marketing; eMICA Model; Web 1.0, Web 2.0; Web 3.0.


In recent years E-commerce has seen its activity increase exponentially. In this sense, hotel companies need users to have a satisfactory online experience, therefore they must design websites so that they remain browsing as long as possible. The objective of this study is to analyse the degree of development of hotel websites and what aspects should be improved or implemented to make them more competitive. For this, a series of characteristics or parameters of hotel websites have been analyzed using the eMICA model (Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption) adapted to the hotel sector. 50 parameters of these websites are studied through an exploratory analysis. In turn, the model is divided into three stages: promotion, provision, and process. The results obtained show that hotel websites have passed the stage of the static web or web 1.0, that more than half have surpassed Web 2.0 and that none reaches Web 3.0, being the 4- and 5-stars hotels the ones that have the best optimized websites.


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How to Cite
Padilla Piernas, J. M., Parra Meroño, M. C., Beltrán Bueno, M. Ángel, & De-Juan-Vigaray, M. D. (2023). WEBSITE MATURITY ANALYSIS: APPLIED TO HOTEL CHAINS. Cuadernos de Turismo, (52), 69–94.

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