
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.541891
Keywords: Chatbots; conversational agent; Smart tourism technology; informatividad; Empathy; Accessibility, Interactivity; dialogue systems; Artificial intelligence; users


Chatbots are transforming tourism communication and have been quickly adopted in the tourism industry. But despite its implementation in the sector, there are no studies that analyze the effectiveness of its use in the organization of trips. For this reason, this study measures the tourists’ perceptions during the use of the chatbot "Victoria la Malagueña" through the attributes: informatividad, empathy, accessibility and interactivity. In data processing, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used. The findings suggest that informatividad and empathy are the chatbot attributes most valued by users.


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How to Cite
Orden-Mejía, M., & Huertas, A. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE CHATBOTS THAT MOST EFFECTIVELY INTERACT WITH THE TOURIST: CASE STUDY OF THE CHATBOT "VICTORIA LA MALAGUEÑA”. Cuadernos de Turismo, (50), 119–142. https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.541891