
Keywords: perceived risk, communication, organizations, management, structural equations model


The purpose of this study is to examine how the different types of risks (terrorism, accident, crime, health, catastrophes) that tourists face contributes to the perception of final risk on destinations. Likewise, the paper analyzes the moderating effect of destination in the causal relationships established between the types of risks and the perceived risk. For this, two groups of destinations are compared: Europe (Canary Islands, Spain) and Latin America, with the destinations of Brazil and Colombia. The work was carried out through online surveys through a company specialized in the potential markets of Germany and the United Kingdom. The analysis was carried out using a model of structural equations (SEM) to prove the causal relationships raised. Although the perception of safety and protection and its influence on the behavior of tourism is important for the promotion and management of tourism activities, its empirical analysis has received limited attention among researchers. The results of this work show interesting practical and academic conclusions for business organizations and the promotion of tourist destinations.


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