Wine tourism in the sherry region: an analysis from the suppliers’ perspective


  • Juan Rodríguez García
  • Tomás López Guzmán
  • Sandra María Cañizarez Ruiz
  • Mercedes Jiménez García
Keywords: rural development, tourist toutes, vine tourism, sherry area


Spain is a country with a well established tourism sector and a great wine-growing tradition, and is now constructing tourist wine routes with the aim of developing rural areas and, consequently, creating new tourist destinations. In this paper, an analysis of the supply of wine tourism in a specific area of Spain, the Sherry Region, is presented, with the aim of analysing how wine can be a key resource in tourism in a given geographical area.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez García, J., López Guzmán, T., Cañizarez Ruiz, S. M., & Jiménez García, M. (2010). Wine tourism in the sherry region: an analysis from the suppliers’ perspective. Cuadernos de Turismo, (26), 217–234. Retrieved from

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