“New Natures” in post-industrial landscapes: Visual strategies of reflecting extractivist modes of production in politics and everyday life

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rmu.518221
Keywords: Industrial nature, symbolic transformation of extractive landscapes, everyday photography, post-industrialization, Instagram, Ruhr area


The article is dedicated to the field of landscape transformations from extractivism to nature spaces, based on the example of the Ruhr region. Through an ethnographic approach, regional Instagram photographers and their published images reflecting structural change in the Ruhr region were studied. Instagram images are understood as media practices embedded in everyday life. In order to include their context of emergence, they are examined using a digital ethnographic approach in combination with photo elicitations, go-along interviews, as well as document and image analyses. The analysis of everyday image production shows how the understanding of nature as leisure space and enchanted, romantic landscape scenery becomes a new economic resource for the region.


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How to Cite
Huszka, V. (2023). “New Natures” in post-industrial landscapes: Visual strategies of reflecting extractivist modes of production in politics and everyday life . Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (30), 65–88. https://doi.org/10.6018/rmu.518221