Pozo Algar y la Virgen de los Llanos: orígenes, advocación y patronazgo


  • Pedro Esteban García


Origins of the village of El Algar in Cartagena, which arised in the Arabic period, and some of its ups and downs around a water well (Pozo Algar) used during centuries by not only the villagers but also the sheperds and the nomad herds of the Mesta, coming from the highlands of Cuenca. Together with their herds of going and back, they brought an imagine of the Virgen de Los Llanos which rested here definitely as the patron saint of El Algar.


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How to Cite
Esteban García, P. (2008). Pozo Algar y la Virgen de los Llanos: orígenes, advocación y patronazgo. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (15), 339–362. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/108731