Editorial Policy
RIITE is an open access journal, that means, all the content in it its free, without any charge for the user or institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or connect complex texts about the articles of this journal without receive any permission to the publisher or the author. This is an agreement with the definition BOAI of open access.
With the end of guarantee the originality delivery, RIITE uses Turnitin program to detect plagiarism and auto-plagiarism recognising non-original documents which not be quoted correctly. In the case of detected irregularities, the journal could disdain the manuscript revision or evaluation. If the journal detected this, after the publication, it can be place a retraction note.
RiiTE publishes a special issue on topics related to Educational Technology. These sections or monographs are coordinated by members of the editorial committee as well as experts in the respective field. The procedure for submission, review, and acceptance of the work will be the same as for the general issues. Authors should mention that their work is intended for this section when submitting. Once accepted by the corresponding editor, it will undergo peer review using a double-blind process.
The Editorial Board of RiiTE consists of the management team (Director, Executive Director, and Secretary), the Editorial Board, the Editorial Advisory Board, and the Technical Committee.
Management Team
The Director is the journal's highest institutional representative. They preside over the Editorial Board and are responsible for the appointment and dismissal of the Secretary, as well as the members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board, and the Technical Committee. The Director delegates tasks to the respective committees and holds the ultimate responsibility for deciding whether a manuscript is published.
The Executive Director is appointed by the Director based on their experience, dedication, and expertise. Their responsibilities include planning the publication’s content, providing authors with guidelines regarding style and context, ensuring the accuracy of the content on the journal’s web portal, and overseeing the review process and communications with authors in line with the journal’s standards.
The Secretary is responsible for managing and maintaining the journal’s indexing databases and distribution lists, as well as issuing certificates for accredited facts. The Director appoints the Secretary.
Editorial Board
The Director of the journal appoints the members of the Editorial Board, with the authority to revoke appointments as necessary. The primary function of the Editorial Board is to collaborate with the management team in defining the journal’s content and style. This includes providing guidelines for manuscript submissions and journal design. The board also oversees the proper reception, evaluation, and acceptance of manuscripts.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board advises the management team in the pursuit of producing a high-quality, relevant publication. Alongside the Executive Director, they are responsible for formulating the journal's scientific strategy and periodically evaluating its outcomes. The Advisory Board provides scientific and conceptual guidance to the Editorial Board and may serve as senior reviewers. Furthermore, they assist in promoting the journal at an international level.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee is responsible for IT support, layout design, cover design, distribution, and administration. Their duties include advising the management team on potential improvements to the journal’s electronic edition, overseeing its development, implementation, and maintenance, as well as regularly updating the website and designing each issue.
Guide for reviewers: evaluation criteria
The review of the articles (double blind) is carried out by experts whose prestige in the area of educational technology is recognized nationally and internationally. This method aims to guarantee the quality and originality of the content of the articles published in the journal. The process (described later) allows authors to receive a report of the positive and negative aspects of the manuscripts, provided they have been accepted for peer review. In the double-blind system, the anonymity of the author and the reviewer is guaranteed.
RIITE publish a full list with each reviewer per year (see here).
Acceptance of the review of an article implies that the reviewer agrees to review the manuscript within a period of no more than one month. In addition, he has to declare if he has a conflict of interest and maintain strict confidentiality.
The reviewers carry out a critical and constructive analysis of the manuscripts, carrying out a quantitative and qualitative report evaluating the following aspects that must be included in a web protocol hosted on the journal's platform. Includes the following criteria:
- Information about the presentation of the article: title, summary and keywords (in Spanish and English, and the coherence between both).
- Theorical basis of the article. Literature review: relevance and currently.
- Appropriate definition and problem coherence, objectives (hypothesis in its case) and method.
- Aptitude in the techniques about the information collected.
- Correction in the interpretation and the data analysis.
- Coherence and interest in the research results.
- Relevance in the conclusions and in the disscussion.
- Style (a clear redaction respecting the conventions about the scientific language) and the grammatical and orthographical correction.
- Global manner, relevance, currently and interest in the Educational Technology investigation range.
Review process:
1) Acknowledgment of receipt and delivery evaluators. The journal's own web system activates the acknowledgment of receipt. From that moment the Editorial Team will proceed to review the format, style and editorial policy, which may be returned for rectifications or rejected. Entries that violate APA standards will be returned immediately. Once rectified by the author, the work may be re-evaluated until it meets these standards. After this phase, the manuscript will be sent to external reviewers who are experts in the subject and may be returned for rectifications or rejected. The maximum estimated duration in this step is one month.
2) Review method. Two or more external expert reviewers will be assigned, who will evaluate the article confidentially and anonymously (double blind). These will issue a proposal on the convenience or not of its publication and, where appropriate, will suggest the appropriate rectifications. The definitive acceptance of the manuscript is conditional on the authors incorporating in it all the modifications and suggestions for improvement proposed by the reviewers, if any, and that they send it within a maximum period of 30 days.
3) Results of the review. The reviewers can determine: a) that the article is published as is (or with minor formal modifications); b) that may be published after making certain corrections and improvements in substance and / or presentation; or c) that it cannot be published due to content and / or writing problems that cannot be corrected in a short time. Monitoring the process: The author can follow the evaluation process of his article on the journal's website (OJS system with username and password at http://revistas.um.es/riite/index).
Approval. Once the article is accepted for its publication, the author or authors can make a video presentation about the work that they develop with a period of time not over two minutes, in where they will indicate the most relevant aspects of their document. This video, will be eddited in .mp4 or .avi. format. Once the video is ready, its sending to the journal before the publication, taking into account the corresponding number. The authors accept the publication of the video in a free access in Youtube journal account. Moreover, the journal can spread the article publication through its accounts in different social media and in its own diffusion space.
Esteemed periods:
- Initial revision: 1 month.
- First decision for review articles: three months.
- Since the article delivery just its approval: 5 months.
- Since the approval just the publication: 6 months.