Virtual classes or learning experiences? A redefinition of distance pedagogical practice based on active methodologies
This article emphasizes the experience in the use of active learning methodologies to improve the functionality of distance learning in a master´s program, that was forced to move its classes from face to-face into virtual. It was carried out during 5 sessions, synchronously and asynchronously in a program related to ICT in learning processes. The participants were seven students who work as elementary teachers. The objective was to support their pedagogical practice in the distance modality through the facilitation of learning experiences based on active methodologies. They were evaluated with the completion of a distance micro class according to a rubric that classified their performance in three levels: inicial, progressing and advanced. More than 70% of the students as a whole reached progressing and advanced performance levels in almost all the criteria, only the areas of socialization of knowledge and assessment of learning remained at the initial level. The final survey revealed that they found the learning experiences dynamic, interactive, interesting and innovative. It is concluded that, most of digital resources lack pedagogical principles and theoretical foundations, so it is necessary to develop a well-structured methodological base and focus on the learning objective to start planning and select the technological resources that could enhance the educational practice.
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