The transformative power of ICT in the development of metacognitive competence in Higher Education


Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, metacognition, higher education, learning, self-regulation


The continuous advancement of technology and the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic have led to a rapid and dizzying implementation of Information and Communication Technology in classroom at all educational levels. This transformation has significantly altered the teaching and learning processes, impacting the educational experiences of both students and educators. The present study was conducted in classroom during the academic year 2021-2022 in the subject named "Basic Psychology" in the first year of the degree program at the Faculty of Social Work of the Complutense University of Madrid. The overall objective was to analyze the impact of using ICT tools on the metacognitive competencies of higher education students, specifically at a university level. The methodology employed primarily consisted of quantitative analysis, complemented by qualitative insights through the administration of various questionnaires to students regarding the usability of digital tools, their benefits concerning organization, regulation, and potential evolution of their subject studies using these resources. The sample comprised four groups of first-year degree students: two morning groups and two afternoon groups, totaling 169 subjects. The primary finding of this study is that most students indeed found the use of digital tools (referred to as Digital Educational Satellites) highly useful and reported experiencing positive academic progress. Hence, it can be indicated that Digital Educational Satellites facilitate and enhance the active acquisition of knowledge, fostering the development of organization and self-regulation of learning processes.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Rodríguez, V., Vite García, C. S., & Calaforra Faubel, P. J. (2024). The transformative power of ICT in the development of metacognitive competence in Higher Education. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (16), 8–26.