Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as an educational resource from the perspective of teachers at different non-universityeducational stages
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered the fourth industrial revolution and is bringing about profound changes in 21st century society. Moreover, it has the potential to address major challenges in the field of education such as implementing innovative active methodologies through STEAM projects using AI. The main objective of this research is to identify the impact of machine learning, a subfield of AI, as an educational resource in the teaching-learning process in different non-university educational stages by analysing age, gender and previous experience in AI projects and knowledge from the teachers' point of view. A descriptive and comparative quantitative method was used. The instrument used was based on a 25-item questionnaire with 2 open-ended questions. Teachers (n=92) from the autonomous communities of Asturias, Extremadura and the Autonomous City of Ceuta participated freely and voluntarily in the sample, having attended a training course on AI in order to carry out innovation projects in the classroom. The main results show high average values for all teachers to implement AI-based projects as an educational resource. The results are divided according to gender, age, educational stage and previous experience of the teachers. Teachers between 20-29 years of age, male teachers, teachers belonging to the Early Childhood Education stage and those with previous experience and knowledge in AI have higher scores and ratings. Subsequently, we proceed to the discussion and conclusion of the research.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pablo Dúo Terrón, Antonio José Moreno Guerrero, Jesús López Belmonte, José Antonio Marín Marín
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