Plastinated organs: resources for a STEM educational innovation proposal for Secondary Education


Keywords: STEM, plastination, educational resources, secondary education, active methodologies

Supporting Agencies

  • CARM a través de la Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, proyecto de referencia 21673/PDC/21


Plastinated organs are real anatomical parts obtained in a laboratory, imperishable, non-toxic, and can be used in any educational scenario. This paper presents a novel educational experience for the STEM field based on the use of plastinated organs of animal origin. An innovative educational proposal was designed for the 3rd year of ESO and was evaluated in four secondary schools during four weeks. The instructional design of the proposal was based on active methods with direct manipulation of the plastinated organs and a series of digital resources in the form of videos, materials for gamified activities, questionnaires and interactive educational resources. To evaluate the experience, a mixed method was used that included the collection of quantitative and qualitative data through questionnaires and focus groups with teachers and students. The results showed a high level of satisfaction among all the educational agents involved in the experience, both teachers and students. The main limitations pointed out were the lack of time, the lack of adaptation to the timetables and teaching programs of the centers, the experimentation with only one of the segments of the STEM field and the lack of homogeneity of the participating samples. In spite of all this, it can be concluded that the use of plastinated organs in secondary education offers ample possibilities for promoting the use of these organs in the STEM field, while guaranteeing high rates of teacher and student satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Delgado Ruiz, M. del C., Bernal Sánchez, R., López Albors , O., & Latorre Reviriego, R. (2023). Plastinated organs: resources for a STEM educational innovation proposal for Secondary Education. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (15), 103–119.