Design guide for Smart Classrooms base on environmental factors


Keywords: smart classroom, schools, learning spaces, guideline, environmental requirements


The design of the classrooms, physical spaces where learning takes place, is acquiring more and more prominence. Recent studies reveal that its characteristics condition, to a great extent, the entire educational process and have effects on teachers and students. The control and management of the parameters that distinguish them direct attention towards more intelligent learning spaces (Smart Classroom), where the use of technology is especially relevant. In this context, this study proposes an analysis of one of the dimensions that characterize them (environmental conditions) and the consequences they have on users. The research raised as a design-based research (DBR) starts from a literature review to determine which are the most influential environmental factors in the teaching-learning process and establish certain acceptable parametric values for each of them within school environments. The information obtained is exposed in a first prototype on classroom design, which, after validation by experts, is formalized in the definitive Smart Classrooms Design Guide based on environmental conditions. In it, design and use recommendations and optimal technical considerations are set out so that the agents involved in its gestation, construction, equipment and conformation are aware of the number of factors on which they can act to achieve stimulating, versatile, flexible, safe, comfortable and sustainable spaces. Even more research is needed in this sense, but this first step helps to understand that the design of learning spaces supported by the use of technology is a good way to achieve smarter classroom solutions where all the current teaching methodological proposals have a place.


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How to Cite
Moreno-Moreno, P., & Palau, R. (2023). Design guide for Smart Classrooms base on environmental factors. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (14), 138–158.