Implementation of "ACDGE": Model to formalize personal learning pathways in higher education


Keywords: Personal learning pathway, Higher education, Model, Student perceptions, Multi-Case Study


In this contribution, we present the results of an experience based on the implementation of a model that guides the design or co-design of personal learning pathways applied in higher education. The model consists of three phases (initiation, implementation, reflection), whose implementation was carried out with 165 students belonging to five courses of the mixed (n=1), face-to-face (n=2) and virtual (n=2) modalities; at the technological, professional, and postgraduate levels, correspondingly, of the ECCI University. The students had to be involved in the choice of the sequences that would make up the curriculum they would like to have and, once the course was completed, they answered an instrument with Likert and open-ended questions. To collect data on the teachers' perception, interviews were implemented during group meetings. The methodological approach considered most appropriate was the DBR combined with the multi-case study research model. The results showed that teachers are highly motivated to apply the model and perceive that its use in class improves their productivity.  Students mostly agree on how positive the work developed in the courses was, the usefulness of the sequences and the results of the learning process itself. In relation to the students' need for guidance, it was evident in the cases that the teacher's support was not so necessary for the choice of the sequences. In relation to flexibility, associations were obtained with factors such as: motivation, interest, availability of time, creativity, learning in a different way, acquisition of knowledge and skills. In conclusion, the model responds to the needs of guidance of higher education students in terms of contents, processes, and activities, as well as flexibility for autonomy in the learning process.


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How to Cite
Buitrago Pulido, R. D., Salinas Ibáñez , J., & Boude, O. (2023). Implementation of "ACDGE": Model to formalize personal learning pathways in higher education. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (14), 6–27.