Opiniones de alumnos de secundaria y de un docente en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje durante el confinamiento por el COVID-19
Globalization, new technologies, migration, international competition, market developments, transnational, environmental and political challenges are all factors that govern the acquisition of the skills and knowledge that students need to survive and get out graceful during the pandemic occasioned by the disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus. The pandemic has accelerated many underlying issues surrounding high schools in Argentina and the challenge of preparing students for work, citizenship, and life in the 21st century. Through this study we seek to learn about how Technology of the Information and Communication (ICTs) are used by Secondary Education students of a public school in the province of Buenos Aires, specifically the prevailing digital resources that are common in the teaching-learning process. For this purpose, we combine quantitative and qualitative methodology. On the one hand, a descriptive investigation has been performed from and towards the quantitative methodology, in which the data collection has been accomplished through a questionnaire prepared for this study, which was answered by a total of 80 students. The results obtained reveal that the cell phone and, in terms of the applications that they allow, WhatsApp has been the tool they use the most. On the other hand, through a qualitative analysis, we conducted an interview with a teacher to find out her perspective. To do this, we denote, in general terms, that ,as a result of both analysis, the system was not prepared, despite the government plans implemented, making visible the complex argentine educational reality.
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