Relationship between techno-procrastination and academic performance: a study of the case
Effective time management is an essential aspect of academic results. The use of the mobile phone and its influence on the proper management of the student's time forms the core of this work. The starting hypothesis presupposes a negative equivalence between excessive use of the mobile phone and academic results. For its verification, we elaborated a procrastination index (PI), later normalized (NPI) to take values equal to or greater than zero, calculated from the questionnaire used as one of the research instruments. Based on the 897 responses collected, sent from 21 countries, they have been classified into six distinct blocks in order to facilitate their analysis. On the other hand, to verify the statistical correlation between the variables studied, another questionnaire has been designed for students of the IES Los Albares, Cieza, between the 3rd year of secondary school and the 2nd year of high school, which has been crossed with the usage data of their phones during 352 weeks for 52 participants. After processing and subsequent analysis of the information obtained, it has been found that a high NPI score complemented by excessive use of the mobile phone (“techno-procrastination”) does not imply a decrease in academic performance. Therefore, the results contradict the hypothesis formulated.
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