Pedagogical implications of augmented reality for improving the teaching of the sciences in primary school


Keywords: augmented reality, primary education, science teaching, mobile learning, learning performance

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Extremadura


Augmented reality (AR), with its ability to bridge the real and the virtual, opens new opportunities to build attractive learning contexts in the current context of crisis as a result of COVID-19. AR is seen as one of the pedagogical means of promoting the quality of teaching in the coming generations and is therefore that this article presents a systematic literature review of how AR is being implemented in primary schools for science learning. The eighteen selected journal articles, indexed in Web of Science and covering the last five years, have been analysed in depth. The purpose has been to know how the use of AR influences the motivation, academic performance and cognitive burden of students in the study of science. It also analyses the AR resources for scientific education most cited in the research with which they have been worked. The results have shown that AR significantly improves students' motivation and academic performance during use. About cognitive burden, it has been shown that the inclusion of AR in scientific education does not carry a greater mental burden for students. Some of the AR materials emerging from the analysis of this selection are exploration applications (augmented books, AR markers, and points of interest to activate digital information), simulation tools, and games.


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Author Biographies

Alicia González Pérez, University of Extremadura

Alicia González-Pérez is an Associate Professor in the Teacher Training College at University of Extremadura and she has been accredited to “Titular”. She got Doctorate Award (2014) and PhD with European Mention in Education (2011) by University of Seville. She studied Pedagogy in Salamanca University (Spain) and she continued her studies in Dankook University (South Korea).

She has been collaborating  with some prestige foreign universities as: Artevelde University (Bélgica), Università di Torino (Italia),Nord University (Norway), Universisty of Algarve and University of Coimbra (Portugal),  Cag University (Turkey), Dankook University (South Korea), Bath Spa University (United Kingdom), Universidad del Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC (Brazil) y Nesna University College (Norway).

 She has been collaborated and participated in different International, European, National and Autonomous projects. She was Coordinator of MILAGE Project: Interactive Mathematics by implementing a Blended-Learning model with Augmented Reality and Game books funded by the European Union (2015-2018).

She is author of several National and International journal articles, book chapters and a books published in prestigious journals and editorials, about educational policies with ICT, educational innovation, educational technology, digital competence, and gender.

Isabel Cerezo Cortijo, Universidad de Extremadura

Graduada en Educación Infantil por la mención de Habilidades Comunicativas y Lenguas Extranjeras por la Universidad de Extremadura (2019). Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales en la especialidad de Psicología por la Universidad de Extremadura (2020). En la actualidad se encuentra en fase de formación investigadora en el ámbito de la tecnología educativa.


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How to Cite
González Pérez, A., & Cerezo Cortijo, I. (2020). Pedagogical implications of augmented reality for improving the teaching of the sciences in primary school. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (9).