Implementation of gamified educational material for the teaching-learning of mathematics in students with Down Syndrome


Keywords: performance, down's syndrome, educational material, teaching


This research examines the impact of the implementation of a classroom didactic proposal based on Gamified Educational Resources (REG), on the academic performance (AR) of children and/or young people with Down Syndrome, in the subject of mathematics; establishing the methodological strategies that facilitate the learning of the first mathematical concepts (counting, the notions of quantity, simple addition and subtraction) and demonstrate that the use of gamified educational resources (games) and structured methodologies can improve their competence in learning the mathematics. For this, seven games were used, which were worked with three students with Down Syndrome between 9 and 22 years, the case studies of each of them are presented. During the implementation of the gamified educational resources, the initial (pretest) and final (post-test) evaluation of the students is carried out through the Basic Skills Test for the Introduction to Calculus (Riquelme, 2003), which demonstrates advances in skills. The statistical techniques used to analyze the data are t students and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare average scores. Specifically, students with Down Syndrome after the analysis of results demonstrate significant improvement in academic performance in learning knowledge and skills related to classification, seriation, conservation, expression of logical judgment and symbolic function, although the best results are in the classification, seriation and logical judgment skills, not so, in the expression of conservation and symbolic function where a moderate improvement is observed.


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Author Biography

Nancy Dolores Castillo, Universidad Rovira i Virgili

Auditoria Educativa


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How to Cite
Castillo, N. D., & Jiménez González, J. . (2020). Implementation of gamified educational material for the teaching-learning of mathematics in students with Down Syndrome. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (8).