Analysis of the digital teaching competence of teachers of rural schools in the province of Albacete


Keywords: ICT, school, teacher qualifications


The transmission of digital culture is one of the most important challenges of the current education system. The European Union proposes, through the Europe 2020 Strategy, to improve the accessibility, use and quality of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in rural areas. For this to be possible, digitally competent material and professional resources are required. This study aims to know the reality of rural schools in the province of Albacete, in terms of the quality of ICT, the available resources and the digital skills of their teachers. For this, a descriptive methodology has been used and the questionnaire has been used as an information collection instrument. The results show that the political intentions do not match the reality found in our data. Technological infrastructures lack sufficient quality to enable internet access in a safe and efficient way. On the other hand, teachers who carry out their work in these centers make limited use of the technologies in these classrooms, characterized by being multilevel, due to the lack of training in digital skills.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Ruiz, M. D. P. (2020). Analysis of the digital teaching competence of teachers of rural schools in the province of Albacete. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (8).