Intercambios virtuales en educación superior: desarrollo de las habilidades interculturales a través de la colaboración en línea


Keywords: International exchange, cultural exchange, educational innovation, information and communication technlogies, telecommunication


Virtual exchange has been defined as a form of virtual mobility which aims to expand the reach and scope of traditional intercultural learning programs. This paper presents an example of a virtual exchange called InterCult - Intercultural Competences - which aimed to give an opportunity for students from Germany, France, and Brazil to explore intercultural aspects through online collaboration, i. e. to learn differences between own culture and other cultures by communicating and working on tasks together by using digital media. The research path was divided into three phases: project design, virtual exchange, and evaluation. The data collected during the virtual exchange involved the analysis of online conversations in international groups, face-to-face discussions during the classes at the end of each activity in national groups, the videos produced and shared in the online community, online meetings between the teachers, and the results of the online survey. Data were analyzed based on three perspectives: technology; engagement and collaborative work; intercultural competences. Results showed this type of experience is extremely important for a generation who will have to work in multicultural teams and contexts.


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How to Cite
Scherer Bassani, P., & Buchem, I. (2019). Intercambios virtuales en educación superior: desarrollo de las habilidades interculturales a través de la colaboración en línea. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (6).