What do university students think about the academic use of social networks?


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/riite.362121
Keywords: Redes sociales; aula universitaria; uso académico.


At the present time, social networks are used anytime and anywhere. Among young people, in particular, they have been a revolution when it comes to socializing. However, these social networks have little presence in the university classroom for an academic use.

This paper aims to analyze the use of social networks of students of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. In addition, it analyzes the opinion of the students about the possibility of introducing social networks in the classroom for academic purposes. With these objectives a survey has been carried out on a sample of the students of said faculty where, as the main result, it is extracted that the vast majority of students routinely use social networks in the personal sphere and that they are willing to introduce these social networks as a tool in the university classroom.


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How to Cite
Abelairas-Etxebarria, P., & Mentxaka Arana, J. (2020). What do university students think about the academic use of social networks?. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (8). https://doi.org/10.6018/riite.362121