Schools for all: Diversity and Compulsory Education


  • Belén Ballesteros Velázquez UNED
  • Teresa Aguado Odina UNED
  • Beatriz Malik Liévano UNED
Keywords: family participation, school achievements, cultural diversity, compulsory public education

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia


This article reflects on some key aspects related to compulsory education, highlighting the gap that exists between the goals of education and academic achievements (results) in this educational level, resides revisiting how family participation and involvemente is understood.  In the first part we contend that the educational system demands the achievement of certain results and acquisition of skills, wich are not specifically addressed within the school or the classroom, so they can only be achieved with external support. The second part describes a research Project carried out by the INTER Group, focused on the analysis of school practices coherent with the intercultural approach, through story lives and case studies. The third part analyzes these practices, according to how they define Diversity, their educational goals, and what teachers do to achieve them. We end with some final remarks. 


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Author Biographies

Belén Ballesteros Velázquez, UNED

Miembro del Grupo INTER de investigación en Educación Intercultural ( Imparte materias relacionadas con metodología de investigación y en su línea de investigación destaca en enfoque cualitativo aplicado a temas de diversidad, educación intercultural, ciudadanía.

Teresa Aguado Odina, UNED

Catedrática en el Dpto. de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación I de la UNED. Es miembro del Grupo INTER de investigación en Educación Intercultural ( Coordina el Máster Euro-Latinoamericano en Educación Intercultural, impartido por la UNED. Es coeditora del texto "Intercultural Education: Approaches and Proposals" (2012).

Beatriz Malik Liévano, UNED

Miembro del Grupo INTER de investigación en Educación Intercultural ( Coordina el Máster Euro-Latinoamericano en Educación Intercultural, impartido por la UNED. Vicepresidenta de la Asociación Internacional de Orientación Educativa y Profesional

How to Cite
Ballesteros Velázquez, B., Aguado Odina, T., & Malik Liévano, B. (2014). Schools for all: Diversity and Compulsory Education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(2), 107.