The classroom environment and its effect on student behavior


Keywords: Behavioural problems, inclusive education, school environment, social interaction


The educational environment is a determining factor in school development. A better understanding of its impact on children's behaviour would help to better adjust classroom teaching to the needs of the group. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyse the relationship between the classroom environment and pupils' behavioural problems (CP), to better understand how to adapt the environment to their needs. The behaviours of 35 children with CP (focus group) and 52 typically developing peers (reference group) aged eight and nine were observed in their educational environment. Multivariate analyses revealed that levels of motor and verbal hyperactivity increased during classroom transitions compared to group work and individual work. Children in the focus group were more off-task in all contexts. Furthermore, they were similarly affected by the classroom setting compared to their typically developing peers, despite being more inattentive in all settings.


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How to Cite
Frutos de Miguel, J. (2024). The classroom environment and its effect on student behavior. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 28(1), 123–137.