Self-Concept in Physical Education for Post-Pandemic School Health Improvement


Keywords: Self-esteem, Adolescence, Physical education, COVID-19, mental health


Self-concept is one of the key aspects of personality development. It is relevant because it affects how a person sees him/herself and how he/she relates to others. During adolescence, self-perception tends to be highly variable due to the inherent changes of this stage, being a critical period in which to foster a healthy and confident personality. Add to this the critical circumstances experienced during the pandemic and it becomes a bombshell. Physical education classes, can promote the self-concept and improve school health. The aim of the study was to analyse self-concept in Spanish adolescents of physical education by sex, school location, age, educational level and body mass index (BMI) after the pandemic. A cross-sectional study of 961 students’ physical education classes in public schools in Extremadura (Spain) was obtained and administered the Self-Concept Questionnaire version 5 (AF-5). The results showed that there is an association between AF-5 and sex, where adolescent girls have lower self-concept; there is a slight inverse relationship between AF-5 with age and BMI and there is no significant association between AF-5 and school location. In conclusion, knowing the relevant factors of self-concept after covid allows the educational community to implement tools for the optimal development of self-concept in Physical Education students, thus performance of adolescents.


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How to Cite
Galán-Arroyo, C., Batista Da Silva, M. A., & Rojo-Ramos, J. (2024). Self-Concept in Physical Education for Post-Pandemic School Health Improvement. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(2), 123–137.