Professional Guidance in Secondary Education


  • Pilar Martínez Clares
  • Francisco Javier Perez Cusó
  • Miriam Martínez Juarez
Keywords: Professional Guidance, Secondary education, decision making, changes, Vital and Professional Project.


In a setting marked by uncertainty, the ability to adapt to changes gains relevance. We face an uncertain future, especially young people. With this prospect in mind, professional guidance in secondary schools should be employed with a proactive approach in order to banish timely action and move to a more continuous process of mediation and accompaniment. The youth is characterised for an intense search of personal and social identity. For this reason, in this phase of life, occupational guidance should accompany the youth and help them to identify the changes their social, cultural, natural and economical environment is going through. Therefore, occupational guidance mediates so that young people become aware of their own identity: Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going? It also responds to the need of building vital and professional project, encouraging the youth to be the active agents of their own changes; thus facilitating adaptation to new situations and demands caused by the transition into active life.


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How to Cite
Martínez Clares, P., Perez Cusó, F. J., & Martínez Juarez, M. (2014). Professional Guidance in Secondary Education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(1), 71.