Evolution of attention, concentration and academic performance after an intervention based on Activity Breaks


  • Silvia Arribas-Galarraga
  • julen Maiztegi Kortabarria Universidad del País Vasco
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.467731
Keywords: Active Breaks; attention; concentration; academic performance.


The main objective of the research has been to study the evolution of attention and concentration after the implementation of a programme based on Activity Breaks in the subject Spanish Language and Literature. The sample, formed by 31 students, 14 girls and 17 boys, from the first course o Compulsory Secondary Education (average age 12.13 years), was divided into two class groups, control group and experimental group. The intervention, of 7 weeks, implemented during the lessons in the classroom, allowed the amount of daily physical activity to be increased. By the measurement instrument “Attention Test D2” attention and concentration and by the text dictated spelling performance was measured, data was collected in the previous phase and after the intervention. The results indicate a statically significant increase in attention and concentration variable in experiential group. Regarding the Spanish Language and Literature contents, orthography, no statistically significant differences were observed.


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How to Cite
Arribas-Galarraga, S., & Maiztegi Kortabarria, julen. (2021). Evolution of attention, concentration and academic performance after an intervention based on Activity Breaks. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.467731