Realidad aumentada como recurso de apoyo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje
This study analyzes the impact of augmented reality (AR) as a support resource in the teaching-learning process (E-L) of Human Anatomy. For this purpose, a quantitative, quasi-experimental, expository, cross-sectional, descriptive, descriptive research was designed by forming two groups of students who received training in anatomy. The first group, called the control group, made up of 31 students, used traditional teaching resources such as texts, models, drawings, presentations, etc. At the same time, the same subject matter was taught to 31 students; At the end of the experiment, an evaluation of 20 reagents was applied to each group, obtaining the following results: the control group obtained a mean of 2.77 out of 10 and a standard deviation of 0.956, while the experimental group obtained a mean of 7.97 out of 10 and a standard deviation of 0.875. On the other hand, a 10-question survey was applied to the experimental group regarding the use of AR, which showed full satisfaction with the experience received and consider that AR resources awaken in them the motivation to use it, due to its ease of use and the interaction they experience between the content and virtual objects, generating knowledge with entertainment. However, from the students' perspective, the adoption of AR by teachers will be a challenge that teachers must address, since its implementation will require the development of technological, pedagogical and content competencies for an adequate application in the classroom.
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