Analysis of the impact of a course on personal self-knowledge as a means of teacher professional improvement


  • Morelia Valencia Medina Universidad de Granada
  • Gabriel Carmona Orantes
Keywords: Education, self-knowledge, sustained attention, self-observation, professional development, emotion


Personal development is a sensitive matter for those who practice a profession interacting with people. Teaching allows, perhaps more than any other field, to be aware of the relationship between one's performance and its effects on students. Therefore, the interest in knowing its different factors and aspects is sustained over the years.
This study proposes to learn about the perception of primary andsecondary education teachers about the relationship between self-knowledge, through self-observation practices, with personal development and, in turn, the incidence of the latter in professional improvement.The study is based on the content analysis of the thoughts manifested by the participants of a training-educational activity. This activity consisted of sustained observation from attention to personal interiority from all teaching professionals. The population of the study consists of 37 participants. An inductive qualitative methodology is used with an instrument, questionnaire, constructed “ad hoc” and it’s applied according to the pretest-posttest model.
The data analysis was performed using the ATLAS Ti program. After the analysis, the following significant results emerged:71% of the teachers expressed interest in strengthening self-observation as a way of self-knowledge and as a goal for personal development and improvement of professional practice.It is found this action provides a new understanding of the "self" and the educational relationship teachers have with students.


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How to Cite
Valencia Medina, M., & Carmona Orantes, G. . (2021). Analysis of the impact of a course on personal self-knowledge as a means of teacher professional improvement. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 24(3).