La formación tecnológica del profesorado de música en Educación Secundaria. Un estudio de intervención basado en la integración de contenidos musicales, tecnológicos y pedagógicos en la Universidad de Valencia.


  • Professor Universidad Austral de Chile
  • PhD. Universitat de València (Spain)
  • PhD. Universitat de València (Spain)
Keywords: music education; technology; social constructivism; project-based-earning; initial teacher training

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministry of Education of Chile (Programa de Mejora Institucional, code PMI-EXA/PNII/05/2017) and Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (Plan Nacional 2019, code PID2019-105762GB-I00).


This descriptive-exploratory work is part of a larger work carried out in Chile and Spain.  Its objective has been to strengthen the technological training of future music teachers in Secondary Education through the design, implementation and evaluation of a subject in two consecutive cohorts (cohorts 2017 and 2018, n= 81). The design of the intervention took into account technological literacy components, and two learning strategies: projects (ABP) and cooperative work. The novelty of the design consists in the adaptation of a theoretical framework for the integration of disciplinary-technological-pedagogical contents called TPACK that tries to improve the understanding of technology and its application in classroom teaching practice. The training products, the objects of the work projects, were didactic materials applicable in the classroom of the Secondary School. The results of both cohorts suggest that the characterizing components of the intervention can help to plan more reflectively the use of music technology in the classroom. In addition, students claim to have improved their perceptions of their technological skills in teaching situations and to have given meaning to technology in their profession.


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Author Biographies

Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile

Tomás Thayer Morel (Santiago de Chile, 1962). Es Licenciado en Música (U. de Chile, 1987), Magíster en Educación con mención en Informática Educativa (U. de Chile, 2008), Diplomado en Educación Emocional (UNESCO, 2003). Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Austral de Chile y profesor Titular de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Investigador, académico y candidato a Doctor en el programa de Didácticas Específicas en la  U. de Valencia. Su campo de investigación es la relación interdisciplinaria entre música, pedagogía y tecnología. Miembro profesional y co- fundador de la Red Campus Sustentable de universidades chilenas. Director del Programa de Innovación en Ciencia y Arte, (PICALAB),; miembro del Grupo de Investigación Musical y Creatividad de la Universidad de Valencia.  Es Intérprete de Bansuri (flauta de bambú clásica de la India) y discípulo del Maestro Senior de Música Clásica del Norte de India, G.S. Sachdev († 2018). Ha publicado dos CD; Música del Bambú (2001) y Atma (2011) de bajo el sello Mundovivo.

PhD., Universitat de València (Spain)

Is Bachelor of Music, Humanities PhD. and Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education PhD. He is currently working as a professor and researcher at the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovation of the University of Valencia. Since 1989, he has been carrying out teaching tasks in the field of music technology in different Spanish, European and American centres. His lines of research are educational software design and multimodality in music education

PhD., Universitat de València (Spain)

PhD in Education from the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. Degree in music from the Conservatorio Superior de Barcelona, Higher Technician in Sociocultural Animation, university specialist in electronic music and video creation from the Universitat Politècnica de València. His lines of research are musical creativity, collaborative creation and learning, contemporary music, new technologies, and learning based on artistic creation. (ABCAC) and is part of the research groups: Grup de Recerca en Arts i Educació (GRAiE) of the Universitat de les Illes Balears Grup de Investigació musical i Creativitat of the Universitat de València and is a member of the Instituto de Creatividad e Innovación Educativa of the Universidad de Valencia


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How to Cite
Thayer, T., Tejada, J., & Murillo, A. (2021). La formación tecnológica del profesorado de música en Educación Secundaria. Un estudio de intervención basado en la integración de contenidos musicales, tecnológicos y pedagógicos en la Universidad de Valencia. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 24(3).