Emotional intelligence and early maladaptive schemas in future educators: expanding borders


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.435821
Keywords: Early maladaptive schemas, training, emotional intelligence, emotional competence

Supporting Agencies

  • Banco Santander
  • Ces Don Bosco UCM


The main objective of the present work is the identification of the Early Maladaptive Schemes in educators in training and their scores in Perceived Emotional Intelligence (TMMS-24) to then explore possible relationships between them and establish differences by gender and degree taken. The sample is from Madrid university students of the Degrees in Infant, Primary and Social Education (N = 713), with an average age of 18.8 years. After the application of the Spanish adaptation of the SQ-SF (Cid, Tejero y Torrubia, 1997) and the TMMS-24 (Fernández Berrocal, Extremera and Ramos, 2004), we found that the schemes that reached highest scores were Self-sacrifice (18,28), Unreachable Goals (16,45) and Abandonment (14,13), obtaining significant differences in some of the schemes between the different levels of the factors considered. On the other hand, the results found in Perceived Emotional Intelligence showed average scores of 27.22 in Attention to Feelings, 25.57 in Emotional Clarity and 26.57 for Emotional Regulation, also with some significant differences between diferent variables. Finally, statistically significant negative correlations were found between the total scheme score and the dimensions of Emotional Clarity and Emotional Regulation, and positive with Attention to Feelings.


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How to Cite
Pérez Bonet, G., Velado-Guillén, L. Ángel, García-Domingo, B., & Sánchez-Fernández, M. L. (2021). Emotional intelligence and early maladaptive schemas in future educators: expanding borders. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.435821