From the involvement at home of the families to the facilitation of teachers in a multicultural context


Keywords: family; teachers; multicultural context; compulsory education

Supporting Agencies

  • Proyecto I D I EDU2016-77035-R Compartimos la educación. Programa para el fomento de la participación de las familias en los centros educativos


Family and school must stand together in the shared responsibility of educating children and young people. From this work, we ask to know what is the involvement of families in education from home, and what teachers promote this involvement. The study, is part of a broader research (evaluative and collaborative), with the participation of 3506 families and 225 teachers have participated, of the Educational stages of Preschool, Primary and Secondary, in a multicultural context. The information was obtained from questionnaires (one for families and one to teachers), created ad hoc, with seven dimensions, and here only use 14 items in the dimension "Family involvement in education from home”. These instruments for collecting information were considered the language needs of families (Spanish, Arabic and English) and teachers (Spanish). The reliability of the instruments was high (Cronbach's alpha of 0.876 and 0.982). The analysis of results shows that families valued very positively its involvement from the home and, at the same time, teachers are facilitators of mentioned involvement. It highlights the hobby of reading and the promotion of cultural activities such as improved actions.


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How to Cite
Gomariz Vicente, M. Ángeles, Martínez-Segura, M. J., & Martínez, J. P. (2019). From the involvement at home of the families to the facilitation of teachers in a multicultural context . Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 22(3), 45–60.