Portomarín: the wounded memory of being uprooted


  • Belen Castro Fernández Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Ramón López Facal Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.22.2.363841
Keywords: Formación de profesorado; educación patrimonial; patrimonio conflictivo; empatía

Supporting Agencies

  • Plan Nacional de I D i del MINECO (EDU2015-65621-C3-1-R) y fondos FEDER de la UE


Formal heritage education does not usually incorporate people’s experiences. Coming into contact with a community which lives in continual conflict with its own heritage offers a different perspective of that legacy. In order to verify this, a study was carried out with a group of trainee primary education teachers. Two subgroups were formed, one of which (the experimental group) was immersed in a place with an uncomfortable heritage issue in order to ascertain whether their perceptions were modified in comparison to the other group (the control group), which did not have this experience. The study was carried out in the town of Portomarín (Lugo), which was flooded in 1969 due to the construction of a dam and rebuilt on higher ground with some buildings being transferred brick by brick. As part of this process, the residents of the town were forced to revise their local history and their identification with their own heritage. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to analyse changes in perceptions and differences in discourse between those who came into contact with the area in question and those who did not. The results appear to confirm that contact with a problematic context develops the capacity for empathy and critical argumentation of trainee teachers and modifies their idea of how to approach the practice of their profession.


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How to Cite
Castro Fernández, B., & López Facal, R. (2019). Portomarín: the wounded memory of being uprooted. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.22.2.363841