Research analysis on the Project-based Learning in Physical Education


  • Oscar León Díaz Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • L. Fernando Martínez Muñoz Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • M. Luisa Santos Pastor Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Physical Education, project based Learning, active methodologies, bibliographic review


Physical Education, as a school subject, must respond to the educational demands of a complex and diverse society. In this framework, it is understandable to support on models focused on learning and not on teaching, which invites us to generate a renewal of approaches, models and methodological strategies. Active methodologies are an opportunity to respond to these new challenges. This article focuses on reviewing the state of the question about learning strategies in Physical Education, such as Project-Based Learning. The procedure used for the analysis, has focused on registering the projects, experiences and research published in different databases of restricted access and free access. Among the inclusion criteria, they were considered relevant to the subject, had scientific quality and relevance in the area of knowledge. Through the analysis carried out, we can point out the proliferation of experiences and research focused on Project-based Learning. The conclusions of the study reveal the commitment to improving the quality of learning in Physical Education, in addition to its orientation to contribute to the development of key competences.


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How to Cite
León Díaz, O., Martínez Muñoz, L. F., & Santos Pastor, M. L. (2018). Research analysis on the Project-based Learning in Physical Education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 21(2), 27–42.