"Presence, participation and progress": project based learning in the trajectory of a teacher in training


  • Raúl A. Barba-Martín Universidad de Valladolid
  • Miriam Sonlleva Velasco Universidad de Valladolid
  • Noelia García-Martín
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.21.2.323201
Keywords: Project Based Learning, practicum, action-research, educational innovation


Initial teacher training, based on a technical curricular approach, presents to the teacher some limitations. To get over them is only possible by listening how does the student lives his formative process. The research we present aims to know the experience of a teacher about her initial training; to analyze how their practical deficiencies in the classroom were compensated with their participation in a project, based on action-research; and to observe how from this participation, the student discovers the Project Based Learning (PBL) method and how does she put it into practice in her classroom. In order to carry out the study, biographical diaries of the teacher, field notes and a semi-structured interview are analyzed. Review of the data leads us to conclude that it is required to offer the teacher in training the knowledge of methods such as PBL, to allow them to take these experiences to practice and reflect on their advantages.



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How to Cite
Barba-Martín, R. A., Sonlleva Velasco, M., & García-Martín, N. (2018). "Presence, participation and progress": project based learning in the trajectory of a teacher in training. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 21(2), 13–25. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.21.2.323201