Teacher training after Bologna process: challenges of a two steps process
During the last few years, teacher-training policies have become a focus of interest of researchers, professionals and governments. In Portugal, like in other European countries, the recent alterations in teacher education are influenced by the policies and tendencies of the European Commission, adapting to country particularities, their history and culture. Nowadays, teacher training for the first years (0-12) is done in higher education institutions, in a two steps structure comprising a first cycle (Bachelor) and second cycle (Master), during 4,5 to 5 years.
This organization in two steps creates new challenges to teacher education coherence and consistency, mostly in what concerns the academic learning and practice. Problems are mainly relevant in the 6th semester of the first cycle, an important period in the ending of a stage and the beginning of other. In the following article, organization of the first cycle in a Portuguese High School it is presented. The project had the duration of 3 years and was mainly focused on guiding, organization and support process of professional practice beginning in the 6th semester. In this process, the participation and involvement of students through evaluation of teaching are an important measure.
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