The role of scientific popularisation produced by scientists in teacher training


Keywords: Cultural capital, science popularisation, particle physicists, teacher training

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This article presents a case study conducted with a view to understanding future professors’ assessment of the educational role of science popularisation activities by scientists. An event coordinated by the CERN has been analysed, in which a student audience was acquainted with research production processes in particle physics. Through the prism of a sociological analysis, comprehension of the future professors’ senses and objectives when approaching popularisation activities is discussed, along with the educational aspects they consider to be acquired in the interaction with scientists. This article is a part of a larger research project devoted to the analysis of the discourse by scientists and students. It studies how cultural perspective training may be relevant for understanding that these practical activities are related to culture, thus treating science popularisation as a relevant tool for acquiring scientific knowledge and training compulsory education students.



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Author Biography

Graciella Watanabe, Universidad de Brasília

Docente e investigadora del área de Enseñanza de las Ciencias en el Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Brasilia.
How to Cite
Watanabe, G., & Kawamura, M. R. (2016). The role of scientific popularisation produced by scientists in teacher training. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(2), 61–73.