Internship in teacher education in Brazil: fractured curricula


  • Janete Palazzo Universidad Catolica de Brasilia
  • Cándido Alberto Gomes Universidad Catolica de Brasilia
  • Gabriela Sousa Rêgo Pimentel Universidad del Estado da Bahia
Keywords: Teacher education, curricula, supervised internship, sociology of education


Considering the association between theories and practices as a teacher education basic principle, this paper focuses on a private higher education institution in Federal District, Brazil, in particular on two groups: students at the end of their programs and graduates. By means of questionnaires, it was found that curricula had three significant fractures, i.e., between theories and practices, basic and higher education, and idealized reality and actual basic education reality. As a result, both students and teachers suffered from the so-called reality shock. Curricula followed the collection type of educational code, according to Bernstein. Their components were hardly connected, as well as they built a barrier between academic knowledge and day to day school functioning. As students enrolled in teacher education programs looked for cheaper and less attractive options, they came more often from lower sociocultural levels. Therefore, the integrated code would be more favourable to their academic achievement. On the contrary, teachers tended to have relatively lower performance, so reproducing the reproduction of under privilege to their students, in a vicious circle.



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Author Biographies

Janete Palazzo, Universidad Catolica de Brasilia

Licenciada en Letras, Maestra y Doctora en Educación (Universidad Católica de Brasília, 2015). Investiga políticas educativas públicas y administración de la educación. Tiene varias publicaciones sobre la formación y evaluación de maestros y profesores.

Cándido Alberto Gomes, Universidad Catolica de Brasilia

Sociólogo de formación y doctor en educación (UCLA, 1983), tiene casi 300 publicaciones académicas en diversos países. Fue asesor legislativo del Senado Federal y de la Asamblea Constituyente. Consultor de diversas organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, en particular de UNESCO. Investiga políticas educativas públicas y las relaciones educación – trabajo.

Gabriela Sousa Rêgo Pimentel, Universidad del Estado da Bahia

Pedagoga de formación y maestra y doctora en educación (Universidad Católica de Brasília y Universidad de Lisboa, 2013; ). Es profesora de la Universidad Estatal de Bahia. Investiga políticas educativas públicas y administración de la educación, temas sobre los cuales tiene varias publicaciones.
How to Cite
Palazzo, J., Gomes, C. A., & Pimentel, G. S. R. (2016). Internship in teacher education in Brazil: fractured curricula. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(2), 45–58.