Controversial subjects in the classroom: are we ready for them? A compact study amongst science teachers


  • Fernanda Veneu Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Marco Costa Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Keywords: Human life, teacher training in Brazil, science teachers, controversies

Supporting Agencies

  • Fundaçao Oswaldo Cruz
  • Capes


In Brazil, teacher training dates from the nineteenth century, after independence from Portugal (1822). One of the problems at that time was that, despite the strong French inspiration of normal schools, with emphasis on the pedagogical and didactics aspects, in practice teachers learned nothing but the content they should teach their students. Despite changes over time, with the splitting process to form primary school teachers (escolas normais) and secondary education (at the university), some problems in the training teachers’ process still remain. In this article, we seek to listen to the teachers themselves about their training in a controversial issue: human life, its beginning and its end. It is a part of a thesis defended in 2009. The 11 participating teachers were mostly experienced in training teachers and said that these professionals are not prepared for it.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Veneu, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Investigadora post-doctoral en Ensenanza de Biociencias y Salud en el Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fundacion Oswaldo Cruz - RIo de Janeiro, Brasil
How to Cite
Veneu, F., & Costa, M. (2016). Controversial subjects in the classroom: are we ready for them? A compact study amongst science teachers. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(2), 89–100.