Cultural diversity in training future teachers in Latin America. Needs and perspectives


  • Rosa Eliana Zapata Pérez Becaria CONICYT Chile
Keywords: Teacher training, cultural diversity, multiculturalism, Latin America.


This work is a reflection on some critical aspects of teacher training for the care of cultural diversity in Latin America, particularly considering the initial training of teachers in Chile. Special attention to the concept of cultural diversity training is provided as culturally diverse contexts that shape the possible scenarios for teacher education and training needs in its initial stage. The author argues that learning to teach in culturally diverse contexts in a critical and reflexive affective plane is a necessary goal to achieve for all the teachers, regardless of their ethnic or cultural origin or roughly diverse reality of the context where it develops its educational work, the main perspective is quality training.


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Author Biography

Rosa Eliana Zapata Pérez, Becaria CONICYT Chile

Ha realizado estudios de Máster en educación intercultural en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España), Licenciada en educación y Profesora de Educación Básica en la Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile).

Ha sido profesora en escuelas de educación básica de la región de la Araucanía en Chile y asesora curricular intercultural. Se ha desempeñado como docente universitaria y colaborado en diversos cursos y talleres asociados al tema de interés en instituciones educativas.

Actualmente realiza Doctorado en Educación en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, becada por el Gobierno de Chile.

How to Cite
Zapata Pérez, R. E. (2014). Cultural diversity in training future teachers in Latin America. Needs and perspectives. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(2), 234.