Quality assurance of higher education in Peru


  • Ana Miluzka Baca Gamarra University of Murcia
  • María Elvira León Di Gianvito
  • Juan Mayta Carlos
  • Carlos Bancayán Oré
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.17.3.204151
Keywords: Quality assurance, Accreditation, Accreditation in Peru, Accreditation in Latin American.


The ongoing quest of man by delivering quality products and services has evolved and passing from the sector companies to services; the universities, are not exception to this concept. The beginning of this task was USA, with the implementation of their quality models.

The creation of the EEES (Spanish initials) strengthened cooperation between European Union states in the scope of higher education, enabling them to coordinate and accord on common guidelines among different forms of their education systems.

In Latin America Chile started since 1990 practices of quality assurance in higher education. Later, all countries of the region incorporated this works in their university systems.

Since nineties, Peru there was concern to ensure the quality of university education. Different Actions were taken to overcome deficiencies of existing quality. In 2006 was created the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality, SINEACE.

In different Peruvians Universities we can find experiences with foreign accreditation destined to ensure educational quality. An example is the Universidad de San Martin de Porres, whose entire careers have been internationally accredited.


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How to Cite
Baca Gamarra, A. M., León Di Gianvito, M. E., Mayta Carlos, J., & Bancayán Oré, C. (2014). Quality assurance of higher education in Peru. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(3), 35–48. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.17.3.204151