The scenario of quality in Spanish University: where we came from and where we are going


  • Jesus Miguel Muñoz Cantero University of Murcia
  • Carmen Pozo
Keywords: European Higher Education Area, Quality, verification, accreditation.


During the 90s of last century, become significant in the Spanish university education concepts and visions hitherto - unknown: System of indicators, program evaluation, qualifications, quality assurance, accreditation,... The low permeability of the system does not it enabled the impregnation quality culture in all its strata or levels and in all Units. The Bologna Declaration in June 1999, was decisive for the construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in Spain. Since then he has designed modern architecture rules to improve their teaching, research and management quality. The Organization of Official University Education recognizes the need to establish criteria to facilitate the evaluation, certification and accreditation. The establishment of a Quality Assurance System (QMS) is mandatory for the process of verification and accreditation of Titles. Initiated the implementation of the relevant teachings legalist establish evaluation committees, be held on the basis of this monitoring system to guide the accreditation of qualifications. While this is being done, regulation for re-accreditation of official title, today, is not defined.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Cantero, J. M., & Pozo, C. (2014). The scenario of quality in Spanish University: where we came from and where we are going. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(3), 1–16.